Selasa, 20 November 2007

Another Bright Day

Here I am sitting on the corner of my office since the place of my training postponing two modules of a series of modules due to replacement of instructor.

Suddenly,  He said he couldn't continue becoming our instructor because he has to go to Padang, his hometown. I don't even know what is the reason. Well, while waiting for the information when I will have to go back to the class, I am attending my office to fulfill my obligation as an employee. I have to restart myself to get ready to face my daily routine before I left it for training.

It is not too difficult though, but still I have to make some adjustment here and there.

Well, great to be back to the office while my postponing period of training.

Minggu, 23 September 2007

Hari Minggu

23 September, hari Minggu. Umumnya adalah hari libur untuk orang yang bekerja dari Senin sampai Jumat. Tapi buat gue, ngga tuh! Hari ini gue ngga bisa libur karena harus melakukan revisi terhadap laporan teknis dari pekerjaan yang sudah dilaksanakan sebelumnya. Laporannya udah beberapa kali disubmit dan sudah beberapa kali juga direvisi.

Kalo orang lain bilang weekend itu bisa dihabiskan dengan keluarga atau melakukan kegiatan lain yang sudah menjadi hobi, buat gue hal itu hampir tidak mungkin. Pertentangan dalam hati sering terjadi apabila dihadapkan pada kondisi dimana gue harus menentukan pergi menyelesaikan pekerjaan atau mengerjakan hal lain yang seharusnya menjadi hak gue untuk dilakukan diluar workdays.


Ngga tau yah, kayaknya emang harus keukeuh, bahwa tidak ada pekerjaan yang dilakukan pada weekend unless get enough payment.


Senin, 17 September 2007

Another Long Monday

It is common that Monday is not a favorite day. For me, I don't have a favorite day so why should I hate a day in a week. It's not because I like all day in weeks and month.

I just want to tell you guys that I am experiencing one long Monday, especially in Ramadhan. This is because my assigment from my company that when you assign to handle one project as a leader, you have to maintain all aspect in that project from the beginning until the end of the project.

Yesterday was a long Monday. It started at 09.00 am and finish (or forced to be finished) at 24.00 pm. I and some other friends who related to this project have to prepare all the document needed in order to be used as a supporting document to redeem some amount of money which is our company's right to get paid in the end of the project.

It is good practice for me. Yeah, I have to anticipate all the aspect that will become the part of my responsibility as a project leader. It's very valuable experience so that, I won't have to experience any long day just preparing a supporting document like yesterday.

Thanks GOD for giving me this priceless experience during Ramadhan month.

Yang Pertama

Haloo semua,

Tulisan ini adalah tulisan pertama blog yang baru dibuat pagi ini. Kenapa membuat blog pagi-pagi? konon katanya blog adalah media dimana kita dapat mengekspresikan apapun yang kita rasakan, lihat ataupun pandangan dan pendapat kita mengenai sesuatu hal.

Sebenarnya sih, ini blog pertama yang dibuat karena gak tau lagi harus ngapain setelah semua pekerjaan yang seharusnya dapat selesai sebelum hari ini tapi karena kebodohan gue, semua ketumpuk pada saat-saat yang seharusnya gue bisa mengerjakan hal lain.

well, ini jadi pengalaman yang berharga buat gue. Gak boleh lalai sedikitpun terhadap kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang akan menjadi ganjalan dikemudian hari.